Enhancing Humanitarian Assistance Data

Stanford University, Spring 2016

Problem Statement

The current information sharing mechanisms in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration fail to encompass the full breath of humanitarian assistance on the ground and facilitate the entry of new individual and organizational actors.


Problem Scoping and Discovery

The team conducted 117 interviews with refugees, private organizations, and NGOs that provide information and services to refugees. They found that while many organizations exist to provide aide, refugees are still not getting the information they need and they do not have a trusted source of information that is easily accessible. They also found that refugees frequently use messaging apps, particularly Facebook Messenger.


Solution Proposed

The team recommended a virtual chat-based assistant that refugees can send messages to asking questions about where to find particular services, such as medical help. The chas assistant, called Sual, gains knowledge by requesting information from a list of over 150 cleared contacts from organizations that support refugees.



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